Règlement du jeu-concours Vissla n°497957 Lot principal gagné : 1 combinaison de surf New Seas V-Zip (429 €).

Voir le descriptif et les réponses du jeu


Le jeu est gratuit, sans obligation d’achat et exclusivement réservé à toute personne physique résidant en France Métropolitaine, à l’exclusion de toute personne ayant participé directement ou indirectement à l’élaboration du jeu, des membres du personnel de la société organisatrice et de leurs familles, dans la limite d’une seule participation par personne. De plus, les dates de validité du jeu concours sont celles spécifiées dans le descriptif du jeu.

Les participants devront renseigner leurs coordonnées postales au cas où les lots sont envoyés par la poste. Surf Session ne pourra être tenu pour responsable des mauvaises coordonnées enregistrées au moment du tirage au sort.

En participant au jeu concours, vous acceptez que vos coordonnées soient transmises à notre/nos partenaire(s) dudit jeu concours.

La participation au jeu implique l’acceptation entière et sans réserve du présent règlement.

Une seule participation est autorisée par participant.

Un seul gagnant par famille.

La société organisatrice se réserve le droit d’interrompre, de modifier, d’écourter ou d’annuler l’opération. Sa responsabilité ne pourra être engagée de ce chef.

La société organisatrice prend acte du présent document et s’engage à le respecter.

Pour participer au concours, il suffit de se rendre sur surfsession.com/jeu-concours-articles et de répondre correctement aux questions posées. Une seule bonne réponse est possible parmi celles proposées.

Le tirage au sort se fera lors de la fin du jeu.

Aucune contrepartie financière ne pourra être exigée contre les lots promis.


Les informations nominatives recueillies à l’issue de la participation au jeu seront traitées conformément à la Loi du 6 janvier 1978, dite « Informatique et Libertés ».

Les participants sont informés qu’ils disposent en application de l’article 27 de ladite loi, d’un droit d’accès et de vérification aux données les concernant.

Toutes demande d’accès de rectification ou d’opposition doit être adressée au siège de la société organisatrice.

La société organisatrice ne pourra en aucun cas être tenue pour responsable de tout incident ou de leurs conséquences pouvant survenir à l’occasion du jeu ou de ses suites.

Toute fraude ou tentative de fraude, manifestée par un commencement d’exécution et commise en vue de percevoir indûment un gain, fera l’objet de poursuites, conformément aux dispositions des articles 313-1 et suivants du Code Pénal.

Tout litige sera soumis aux juridictions françaises compétentes

Terms & Conditions:

1. Vissla Europe and Republic Medias (Sponsor) “Vissla New Seas V Zip“ competition (Sweepstakes) starts on Friday the 1st of December, 9am (CET) and ends on Wednesday the 13th of December, 11.59 pm (CET).

2. How to enter : you may submit an online entry to this Sweepstakes by visiting …..and completing the for with your full name, and email address. Limit one (1) Online Entry per person, per email account, per household during the Sweepstakes Period regardless of method of initial entry. Any attempts by an entrant to submit more than one (1) Online Entry per person, per email account, per household during the Sweepstakes Period (regardless of method of entry) will result in such entrant being disqualified.

The competition is open to anyone over 13 years in Europe (Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain and Sweden). By entering and/or participating, each entrant agrees to be bound by these Official Rules and Sponsor's Privacy Policy as set forth in these Official Rules. If a dispute cannot be resolved to Sponsor’s satisfaction, the entry will be deemed ineligible.

3. The winner will be chosen in a random drawing which will be conducted on Thursday, the 14th of December, 2023 . The winner will be notified by email. When contacted, the winner will need to respond within fifteen (15) days and send his personal details to be able to receive his prize. If a potential winner cannot be contacted, fails to timely claim the prize, is disqualified, fails to timely execute and return any required forms, or if the prize notification is returned as undeliverable, Sponsor may select an alternate winner via random drawing from among the remaining eligible entries or such alternate method as solely determined by Sponsor.

Sponsor's failure to enforce any term of these Official Rules shall not constitute a waiver of that provision. Sponsor reserves the right to cancel or modify this Sweepstakes and to disqualify any entrant for any reason, in its sole discretion, including (but not limited to) if, for any reason, the Sweepstakes is not capable of running as planned, including infection by computer virus, bugs, unauthorized intervention, fraud, technical failures, or any other causes beyond the control of the Sponsor which corrupt or affect the administration, security, fairness, integrity or proper conduct of the Sweepstakes. If such cancelation occurs, Sponsor reserves the right to select the winner from among all eligible entries. The invalidity or unenforceability of any provision of these Official Rules shall not affect the validity or enforceability of any other provision. In the event that any provision is determined to be invalid or otherwise unenforceable or illegal, these Official Rules shall otherwise remain in effect and shall be construed in accordance with their terms as if the invalid or illegal provision were not contained herein.

4. Prize :

One Vissla Vissla New Seas V Zip Wetsuit.

No substitution, exchange or transfer of prizes will be made or is permitted except in Sponsor’s sole discretion.

5. The sponsor will send the prize to the postal address provided by the winner (in Europe mainland only) after being contacted within no more than thirty (30) days time as from the competition ends.

6. Vissla Europe and Republic Medias have no obligation to advise an entrant of an incomplete or otherwise non-compliant entry. Additionally, Vissla and Republic Medias are not liable for any mistakes, errors or incorrect steps taken by participants. Only valid email addresses will be accepted and Vissla and Republic Medias reserves the right to determine qualifying participants.

7. Vissla Europe and Republic Medias are not liable for any technical glitches on Woobox or vissla.com occurring during any part of the competition.

8. Employees of Vissla Europe and Republic Medias (“Sponsors”) and its parent companies, subsidiaries, affiliates, advertising agencies, public relations agencies, prize suppliers, including any vendors providing services in connection with this Sweepstakes (collectively, the “Sweepstakes Entities”), and employees, agents, directors, officers (including members of their immediate family – ie, spouse, mother, father, in-laws, grandmother, grandfather, brother, sister, Children and grandchildren – or those living in the same household) of Sponsor or any Sweepstakes Entities are not eligible to participate in the Sweepstakes.

9. By entering for this competition you grant Vissla Europe, MyLsatWave and Republic Medias Europe the right to add your contact details to both databases. We may contact you via this email address about marketing stories and new products. You can easily be removed by either unsubscribing or contacting care@visslaeu.com or care@mylastwave.com. We will remove you from all our email marketing communications.

10. Third Party Platforms: The Sweepstakes is in no way sponsored, endorsed, administered by or associated with Pinterest, Twitter, Facebook or Instagram (collectively, the “Social Network”). By participating, you release the Social Network and its respective parent companies, subsidiaries, affiliates, partners, employees, directors, agents, advertising agencies, from and against any and all injury, loss or damage caused or claimed to be caused by your participation in the Sweepstakes and/or the acceptance, awarding, receipt, use and/or misuse of the prize. Any questions regarding this Sweepstakes should be directed to Sponsor.