Règlement du jeu-concours Bed and Breakfast n°151051 Lot principal gagné : Un week-end dans 1 Bed and Breakfast en Europe pour 2 personnes (200 euros), 1 appareil photo (100 euros), 3 guides Balado (14 euros).

Voir le descriptif et les réponses du jeu

SARL STRATEGIES NETWORKS , RCS Aix-en-Provence B 429 514
755, Agissant poursuites et diligences de son représentant légal domicilié
en cette qualité audit siège domicilié 20 Synergiparc ZA l'Agavon BP 7
Elisant domicile en mon Etude
Laquelle nous expose que son activité principale consiste en
l’établissement de règlements de jeux, jeu-concours, concours et tirage au
sort afférant.
Que sa cliente la SOCIETE BED AND BREAKFAST.COM dont le
siège est 1011 W Fifth St AUSTIN 78703 TEXAS USA
Désire que je dépose au rang de mes minutes l’avenant du règlement du
jeu «GRAND JEU CONCOURS HIVER 2012» et d’en conserver à notre étude
un exemplaire.
Que le règlement du jeu a fait l’objet d’un dépôt en notre étude
C’est pourquoi, déférant à cette réquisition,
J’ai Maître Aline BRU-NIFOSI, huissier audiencier prés le tribunal de
grande instance de Versailles reçu ce jour une copie certifiée conforme de
l’avenant du règlement du jeu sus énoncé reproduit ci-dessous :
BedAndBreakfast.com organizes a Contest « Grand Jeu Concours -
Hiver 2012 » from 03/05/2012 until 03/19/2012 (UTC/GMT+1)
De tout ce que dessus, j’ai dressé le présent Procès Verbal de dépôt
d’avenant, pour servir et valoir ce que de droit.
Procès Verbal de
de Dépôt de Règlement de Jeu en Langue étrangère
Règlement.net, le premier service on line d'enregistrement de règlements
de jeux, concours, loteries et de tirage au sort par huissier de justice.
Votre interlocuteur : Jean DUCHATEL
Tél. : 04 42 09 09 32 info@reglement.net www.reglement.net
Jérôme LEVEL
Huissiers de Justice Associés
15 Passage du Marquis de
la Londe
(Accès par 8 Avenue de
Sceaux puis Impasse des
Chevau Légers ou par 15 rue
du Général Leclerc)
Compétence départementale
Siret 398 805 002 000 19
Email : etude78@orange.fr
Le premier Février deux mille douze
SARL STRATEGIES NETWORKS , RCS Aix-en-Provence B 429 514 755,
Agissant poursuites et diligences de son représentant légal domicilié en cette
qualité audit siège domicilié 20 Synergiparc ZA l'Agavon BP 7 13751 LES
Elisant domicile en mon Etude
Laquelle nous expose que son activité principale consiste en l’établissement de
règlements de jeux, jeu-concours, concours et tirage au sort afférant.
Que sa cliente la SOCIETE BED AND BREAKFAST.COM dont le siège
est 1011 W Fifth St AUSTIN 78703 TEXAS USA
Il est intitulé «GRAND JEU CONCOURS HIVER 2012»
Qu’elle me demande de constater le dépôt de ce document en mon
C’est pourquoi, déférant à cette réquisition,
J’ai Maître Gilles BORNECQUE WINANDY, huissier audiencier prés le tribunal
de grande instance de Versailles y domicilié 15 passage du Marquis de la
Londe 78000 Versailles, soussigné reçu ce jour une copie du document sus
énoncé par la cliente de la société requérante.
J’ai dressé du tout le présent procès verbal de dépôt en y annexant le
document comprenant 3 pages.
Et de tout ce qui précède, j’ai fait et dressé le présent procès verbal de
constat pour servir et valoir ce que de droit
Cor : 3630, MD :22101
Cor : 3630, MD :22101 Acte : 41928
Contest Rules and Conditions
"Grand Jeu Concours – Hiver 2012"
Article I : Organization
BedandBreakfast.com, based in Austin, Texas, is a leading specialty travel website
with detailed information on more than 11,000 bed-and-breakfast properties
worldwide. BedandBreakfast.com is owned and operated by HomeAway, Inc., the
worldwide leader in online vacation rentals, representing more than 475,000 paid
vacation rental home listings across 120 countries. The HomeAway world
headquarters is located in Austin, Texas. 1011 W Fifth St, Austin, 78703 Texas, USA.
Tel: +1.512.684.1100.
BedAndBreakfast.com organizes a Contest « Grand Jeu Concours - Hiver 2012 » from
02/13/2012 until 27/02/2012 (UTC/GMT+1) Midnight.
Article II : Participation
Participation to this contest is free, without obligations and is open to all participants,
from France and other countries (excluding company the company’s employees,
family members and representatives of the company) that have an Internet access and
a valid, personal email address.
Concerning minors, participation in the contest is possible through the authorization of
a legal representative with parental authority. Only one participation is possible per
household (same last name, same address). Participation is strictly personal and it is
forbidden for a participant to play in the name other participants. All unreadable or
incomplete form will be considered null and void. All participation or completed form
which does not respect the dates of the contest will be considered null and void.
Article III : Terms
Participants must answer the form on Internet: Some responses are required in order to
continue with the contest (last name, first name, email address, personal location, “Are
you a B&B owner?”.
Participation to this contest can only be done through Internet and the company’s
Participants must fill-in in information concerning, friends and other B&B owners
who potentially wish to participated in the Contest. The more friends he invites, the
bigger are his chances to be drawn as a winner.
If one of his contacts is drawn as a winner, the participant who sponsored that winner
will also gain the same prize.
Article IV : Endowment
This game has 5 prices, with a total value of 5 prices with a total value of 345 Euros:
- The first prize is a B&B short stay for 2 nights, for two in a European
destination. Value of 200 Euros. If there are 5000 participants or more,
transport arrangements to the B&B location will be offered by
BedandBreakfast.com. First prize winner has one year to enjoy his price
starting from the days he is announced as a winner.
- The second prize is a Camera: value of 100 Euros.
- The third, fourth and fifth prizes are travel guides of the brand “BalaDo”,
valued to 14.90 Euros each. One guide will be sent per winner.
Article V : Désignation des gagnants
A draw of lottery will be managed in the company’s headquarters during the month
following the end of the contest, by Mr Gautier and Mrs Pinard in charge of
BedAndBreakfast.com’s Webmarketing Europe and online Contest Services, in order
to choose the five winners. The winners will be contacted by email. Without a
response from their part within the next 8 days starting from the confirmation of their
gain, winners will be automatically disqualified and prizes will remain and belong to
Cor : 3630, MD :22101 Acte : 41928
Upon delivery of the prize to the winner, the company will be deemed to have
awarded the prize to such winner with winner assuming full responsibility for the
prize. There will be no prize exchange or refund. However, only in specific cases
decided by the company, will a prize be replaced by another of equivalent value.
Prizes will be sent to home addresses that winners indicated in the form (during the
contest). Winners authorize verifications concerning their ID and their home address).
All false information will disqualify the winner and prizes will remain and belong to
Article VI : Legal Deposit
The contest rules are filed by www.reglement.net, at the SCP Level - Bornecque
Winandy - Bru Nifosi, associated bailiffs, 15, Passage du Marquis de la Londe- 78000
– Versailles. The contest rules can be modified at any time as an endorsement by the
organizer, in accordance with the requirements, and published by announcement
posted on the site. The amendment is registered with the SCP associated bailiffs
depositary of the regulation before its publication. It will take effect the date it is put
online and participants will be deemed by the simple fact of participating in the
contest, from the date of modification of the endorsement. Participants refusing all
changes will stop participating in the contest. Contest rules are sent free of charge to
anyone making a written request by mail before the closing date of the contest at the
following address: Support@BedandBreakfast.com.
Article VII : Refund
As observed in the current service offerings and technology, some Internet service
providers offer free internet access or fixed Internet for users, it is expressly agreed
that any access to the site, on a free or lump sum (such as including cable connection,
ADSL or leased line) will not be refunded, since subscription to services of Internet
service providers are contracted by users for their personal use of the Internet in
general. Therefore participation in the game does not cause additional costs or
expenses for participants.
Article VIII : Connexion et utilisation
Participation implies knowing and accepting the characteristics and the limits of the
Internet, the lack of protection of certain data against possible misuse or piracy and
contamination by viruses circulating on the network. BedandBreakfast.com assumes
no liability for misuse or incident associated with the use of computer, Internet access,
maintenance or malfunction of the game servers.
Article IX : Litiges et responsabilités
Participation in this competition implies full acceptance of the Rules in their entirety.
If one or more provisions were declared void or unenforceable, the remaining
provisions shall remain in effect. In case of difference between the version of the rules
filed with the bailiff and the version of the rules available online, only the rules filed
with the bailiff shall prevail. Any incorrect or false declaration, fraud will result in
disqualification of participants. BedandBreakfast.com shall manage any dispute
relating to the game and its rules in line with the SCP Level - Bornecque Winandy -
Bru Nifosi, bailiffs. No response will be given to any telephone or written request
concerning the interpretation or application of the rules, mechanisms and modalities of
the game and the list of winners. In case of dispute only will be admissible, registered
letters with acknowledgment of receipt within one month after the announcement of
results. BedandBreakfast.com reserves the right, if circumstances required it to
shorten, extend, modify or cancel this game in accordance with Article VI. Thereby,
its responsibility cannot be held. BedandBreakfast.com may cancel or suspend all or
part of the contest if it appears that fraud has occurred in any form whatsoever,
including by computer through participation in the contest. BedandBreakfast.com
reserves, in this case, the right not to award the prize to the fraudster and / or bring to
justice, before the competent courts, the perpetrators of these frauds.
Article X : Remises de lots
Cor : 3630, MD :22101 Acte : 41928
By accepting their prize, winners authorize BedandBreakfast.com to use their last
name, first name, and postal address / Internet email address, in any communication or
promotional demonstration related to the contest, without this use giving rise to any
consideration other than the prize, and this for a maximum of two years.
BedandBreakfast.com cannot be held responsible for delays, losses, damages or lack
of clarity on postal stamps that occurred during the delivery of the prizes. Prizes not
claimed by winners or returned to the sender, 30 days after having been sent, will be
lost for participants. Prizes will remain and belong to BedansBreakfast.com. Winners
may not claim the company for any compensation arising from damage caused by the
acceptance and / or use a prize.
Article XI: Proof Agreement
Except in the case of manifest error, it is agreed that information resulting from the
contest’s system of BedandBreakfast.com have probative force in any dispute as to the
connection elements and the computer processing of such information relating to the
Article XII: Jurisdiction
Participants are subject to French law applicable to games and competitions. Any
dispute which cannot be settled amicably shall be submitted to the competent courts
designated under the Code of Civil Procedure.
Article XIII: Informatique et Libertés
Personal informations collected as part of this contest are treated in accordance with
the Act “Loi Informatique et Libertés » (6th Jan. 1978). All participants in the contest,
as well as their legal representatives if they are minors, in accordance with Article 27
of the Act, have the right to access or correct their personal data. Any request for
access, rectification or opposition should be addressed to BedandBreakfast.com.
Article XIV : Droits de propriété littéraire et artistique
In accordance with the laws governing the rights of literary and artistic property,
reproduction and representation of all or part of the components of this game is strictly
prohibited. All trademarks are registered trademarks of their owner.