Règlement du jeu-concours Le Monde n°128536 Lot principal gagné : Un lot de 2 billets d'avion A/R pour une destination Air France au choix (2000 euros) et votre texte édité dans "Le Mondes des Livres".

Voir le descriptif et les réponses du jeu

Règlement du concours « Le temps d'un récit »
Le Monde des livres – Air France
Article 1

La Société Editrice du Monde, Société Anonyme à Directoire et Conseil de Surveillance au capital de 149 017 497 euros, dont le siège social est situé 80, boulevard Auguste Blanqui – 75707 Paris cedex 13, immatriculée au RCS de Paris sous le n° 433 891 850

la société Air France Société Anonyme au capital de 1 901 231 625 euros, dont le siège social est situé 45, rue de Paris – 95747 Roissy CDG, immatriculée au RCS de Bobigny sous le n° 420 495 178

organisent conjointement du 1er mai au 31 juillet 2011 un concours gratuit et sans obligation d'achat intitulé « Prix de la nouvelle Le Monde des livres – Air France ».

La participation au concours implique l'acceptation pleine et entière du présent règlement.


Ce concours est ouvert à toute personne physique majeure disposant d'un passeport valide et apte à voyager, à l'exclusion de toute personne ayant collaboré à l'organisation de ce concours et des collaborateurs permanents ou occasionnels des sociétés organisatrices et des membres de leur famille.

Le non-respect des conditions de participation énoncées dans le présent règlement entraînera la nullité de la participation.

Article 3

Le concours consiste à rédiger une nouvelle, en s'inspirant par exemple du texte de départ proposé, d'une longueur de 6 000 signes maximum (espaces compris) pour une nouvelle rédigée à bord de l'avion et d'une longueur de 4 000 signes au minimum et de 10 000 signes au maximum (espaces compris) pour une nouvelle déposée sur le site Internet du concours.

Les deux lauréats verront leur nouvelle publiée dans le supplément du quotidien Le Monde, Le Monde des Livres. Le lauréat de la nouvelle écrite à bord verra également sa nouvelle publiée dans le magazine Air France Magazine.

Deux modalités de participations sont offertes simultanément, du 1er mai au 31 juillet 2011 :

A bord des nouveaux Boeing 777 d'Air France via l'interface d'écriture (écran intégré dans le siège face au passager).

Les participants devront obligatoirement renseigner le champ du formulaire d'inscription indiquant l'adresse e-mail.
Les nom, prénom, l'adresse postale et le numéro de téléphone restent facultatifs dans le système

Article 1

Société Editrice du Monde, a limited company with executive and supervisory boards and share capital of 149,017,497 euros, with its head office at 80, boulevard Auguste Blanqui – 75707 Paris cedex 13, Paris Trade Register n° 433 891 850,


Société Air France, a joint-stock company with capital of 1,901,231,625 euros, with its head office at 45, rue de Paris - 95747 Roissy CDG CEDEX, Bobigny trade register number 420495178,

are jointly organizing a contest from 1 May to 31 July 2011 which is free and involves no obligation to purchase, to be called the "Le Monde des livres – Air France" Short Story Contest.

Participation in the contest implies unreserved acceptance of the present rules.

Article 2

Participation is open to any physical person who is legally of age, in possession of a valid passport and able to travel, with the exception of all those who have collaborated in the organization of the contest, as well as all permanent or temporary employees of the organizing companies and the members of their families.

Failure to respect the conditions for participation laid out in these rules shall result in disqualification from the contest.

Article 3

Participants are invited to write a short story, basing themselves if they so wish on the beginning text proposed. The story will be a maximum of 6,000 signs (including spaces) in length for stories written on board the aircraft and at least 4,000 but no more than 10,000 signs (including spaces) for stories posted on the contest website.

The stories of the two winners will be published in the supplement to the daily newspaper Le Monde, Le Monde des Livres. The winning entry among the stories written inflight will also be published in Air France Magazine.

Two means of participation are being offered simultaneously from 1 May to 31 July 2011:

• On board the new Air France Boeing 777 entering the fleet as from December 2010, using the inflight writing interface (screen incorporated in the seatback facing the passenger).

Participants must provide their email address in the appropriate space on the registration form.
Their surname, first name, postal address and telephone number are optional fields.

• On the contest website at http://www.lemonde.fr/airfrance

Participants must provide their surname, first name and email address on the registration form; their postal address and telephone number are optional fields.

Only one entry will be accepted per person (same name, same address).

The short stories will be read and judged by a reading committee made up of members of the Le Monde des livres editorial board (Raphaelle REROLLE, President, Jean BIRNBAUM, Alain BEUVE-MERY and Christine ROUSSEAU) and if possible, a representative of Air France.

No later than 30 September 2011, the reading committee will choose two winners:

One winner having written a story on board the new Air France Boeing 777
One winner from among the participants who have posted a story on the contest website.

The winners will be personally notified [by email or by telephone] by Société Editrice du Monde of the result and of the concrete means for taking possession of their prizes, during the month after the end of the contest. No message will be sent to the other participants.

The winners will be invited to attend an evening "award" presentation during the month of October 2011 at the head office of Société Editrice du Monde.

The short stories will be published in Le Monde des Livres and, in the case of the story written on board the aircraft, in Air France Magazine, within six months of the end of the contest (31 July 2011).

However, the two organizing companies reserve the option of not publishing the winning stories should their literary qualities prove to be clearly insufficient.

Each contest participant shall agree, in the event that he or she is a designated winner, to grant worldwide rights to reproduction, representation and adaptation of the short story in question exclusively and free of charge to Société Editrice du Monde and to Société Air France, for a first publication of the story in Le Monde and on the lemonde.fr website and, if requested, in Air France Magazine, between 30 September 2011 and 31 January 2012.

Each participant declares and guarantees that he/she is the sole holder of the intellectual property rights to the story presented, that consequently, he/she has the sole right to transfer rights to the story and that no contract has been concluded with a third party which might prevent publication of the story under the conditions described above.

Société Editrice du Monde and Air France in turn undertake to give the name of the winner each time the short story is reproduced.

Article 4 The expense incurred in participating in the contest via the internet shall be reimbursed on request in the following manner:

The connection cost incurred for participation will be reimbursed on the basis of one 3-minute internet connection at the local France Telecom rate (0.16 euros including tax / minute).

Requests for reimbursement must be made by writing no later than 30 September 2011, as evidenced by the postmark, to the contest address: Société Editrice du Monde – Concours Prix de la nouvelle Le Monde des livres – Air France - 80, boulevard Auguste Blanqui - 75707 Paris cedex 13.

However, participants who subscribe to unlimited internet connection packages may not request reimbursement, it being understood that the subscription is independent of participation in the contest and that accessing the website incurs no additional expense.

Participants must clearly indicate on the request for reimbursement:

their first name, surname and address
their telephone number
the name of the contest
the date and hour of internet connection
and must provide the detailed invoice from the telecommunication operator or internet service provider.

Because reimbursement shall be made only by bank transfer or cheque, it is imperative to provide the participant's bank details.

Only one reimbursement will be made per participant (same name, same address).

No request for reimbursement may be made by telephone or email.

Any incomplete request or any request bearing insufficient postage or sent later than the deadline will be rejected.

The expense (stamp at the current rate for slow mail) incurred in making this request may also be reimbursed if requested at the same time as the connection cost.

Article 5 Prizes for the contest consist in two sets of two air tickets.

1) One set of tickets offered by Société Editrice du Monde for the prize-winning story submitted via internet: two round-trip tickets in Economy Class to a long-haul destination chosen from among those served by Air France, equal to a value of 1,000 euros including tax per ticket, or 2,000 euros including tax for the two tickets, to be used by the winner and the person of his or her choice.

2) One set of tickets offered by Société Air France for the prize-winning story written on board the aircraft: two round-trip tickets in Economy Class to a long-haul destination chosen from among those served by Air France, equal to a value of 1,000 euros including tax per ticket, or 2,000 euros including tax for the two tickets, to be used by the winner and the person of his or her choice.

Specific conditions apply to the two tickets making up each prize: Tickets valid on all routes operated by Air France with its own resources with the exception of flights to Papeete airport.

The tickets will be issued for flights operated by Air France only, out of any station (excepting Papeete), providing space is available in booking classes corresponding to Voyageur travel class (Air France economy fare), for a maximum value of one thousand euros per ticket including all taxes.

The tickets may not be transferred, exchanged or modified after booking and shall give rise to no form of compensation of any kind (reimbursement in cash of the value of the ticket) nor to accrual of any Flying Blue Miles. The winner may only use the two prize tickets for him or herself and the person of his or her choice.

The winner and the person of his or her choice must travel together on the same dates and the same flights.

The tickets may only be booked during the period of reservations indicated below and may only be used during the period of travel specified below. If the booking is not made during the reservation period, the prize will be forfeited. The winner shall choose from among the destinations served by Air France only, subject to space available at the time of booking.

The total cost of booking the two tickets composing the prize may not exceed 2,000 euros. If, for the destination initially chosen, there is no space available or if the cost exceeds the maximum amount, the winner may choose another destination.
The tickets may not be broken down into several tickets less expensive or equal to the maximum value of 2,000 (two thousand) euros; only pre- and post-routing shall be eligible.

The tickets shall be issued exclusively in electronic form.
The travel memo shall be addressed to the winner by email.

Booking dates from 1 November 2011 to 30 November 2011 at 5pm local time in Paris GMT; the tickets must be issued before 30 November 2011 at 5pm local time in Paris GMT.
Travel dates: from 1 December 2011 to 30 June 2012 (last possible date of return).

The air tickets may be used only by the winner and the person of his or her choice.

In case of force majeure or if required by circumstances, Société Air France reserves the right at any time to substitute another prize with an equivalent value.
The same shall apply to Société Editrice du Monde with respect to its prize.

The prizes shall be issued in the name of the winner and sent to the email address provided at the time of participation in the contest.

The prizes consist only in the round-trip ticket.
Other routing, accommodations, food and expenses incurred at the destination, in particular, remain the responsibility of the winner and the person accompanying him or her.

Any prize not used shall be definitively forfeited.

The winner shall be responsible for being in possession of a valid passport and, if necessary, carrying out any formalities related to the trip; the organizing companies waive all responsibility in this regard.

Article 6

The participants authorize all verifications of their identity and their place of residence. Such verifications shall be made in full respect of all legal provisions concerning the right to privacy. Any falsified, fraudulent, false, incorrect or inexact information relating to identity or address shall automatically disqualify the participant.

The organizing companies reserve the right to use the full name and city of residence of the winners for publicity or public relations purposes in the framework of this contest; any such use shall give rise to no right to compensation or benefit of any kind other than the awarding of the prize itself.

Article 7

The organizing companies may not be held liable for any "Internet" dysfunctions preventing access to or proper running of the contest or any dysfunction in the writing interface provided on the video screens on board the aircraft. In particular, the organizing companies may not be held liable for any external malicious acts.

While the organizing companies do all in their power to offer users available and verified information and/or tools, they may nonetheless not be held liable for errors (particularly with regard to postings on the contest website or erroneous emails), or to the non-availability of information and/or the presence of a virus on the website. Participation in the contest implies understanding and acceptance of the characteristics and limitations of the Internet, the absence of protection of certain data against possible fraudulent uses or piracy, and the risks of contamination by a virus circulating on the network. It is up to individual participants to take all appropriate steps to protect their own data and/or software on their computer or telephone equipment from any type of attack. Any person connecting to the website and participating in the contest shall do so at his or her sole risk.

The organizing companies may under no circumstances be held liable in the event of problems with email routing.

The same is true for any problem related to the telephone or computer equipment of the participants.

The organizing companies may not be held liable for any physical incapacity on the part of the winners to take a plane or to travel to a foreign country due to irregularities in their papers (absence of a visa, absence or expiration of a passport, etc.).

Article 8

The present rules have been filed with Michèle Darricau–Pecastaing and Hélène Pecastaing - bailiffs, 4-6, place Constantin Pecqueur – 75018 Paris.

The rules may be freely consulted via the website of Mmes Darricau and Pecastaing http://www.etude-dp.fr under the heading "jeu-concours": click on "Consulter les règlements des jeux-concours" or see the contest website: http://www.lemonde.fr/airfrance.

The full rules may be obtained upon written request sent to the contest address: Société Editrice du Monde - Concours Prix de la nouvelle Le Monde des livres - 80, boulevard Auguste Blanqui - 75707 Paris cedex 13.

The expense incurred in requesting the contest rules may be reimbursed on the basis of one stamp at the current rate for slow mail, providing the request is made at the same time that the rules are requested.

Article 9

No response will be given to any written or verbal questions concerning this contest.

If required by circumstances, the organizing companies reserve the right to shorten, extend, postpone, modify or cancel the contest at any time and may not be held liable should this occur.
They shall do all in their power insofar as is possible to provide timely information by all appropriate means with respect to any such changes.

Article 10

The present rules shall be governed exclusively by French law.

Any dispute or claim relating to the interpretation or application of these rules must be formulated in writing and sent by registered mail with recorded delivery to the contest address: Société Editrice du Monde - Concours Prix de la nouvelle Le Monde des livres - 80, boulevard Auguste Blanqui - 75707 Paris cedex 13, no later than 30 September 2011.

Any such dispute shall be resolved at the sole discretion of the organizing parties.

Any dispute not resolved in this way shall be submitted to the Paris Courts.

Article 11

In accordance with the Law of 6 January 1978 on "Informatics and Liberty", contest participants have the right to access and amend information concerning them. Any request for access, amendment or opposition must be sent to the contest address: Société Editrice du Monde - Concours Prix de la nouvelle Le Monde des livres - 80, boulevard Auguste Blanqui - 75707 Paris cedex 13.

Article 12

The present rules have been drawn up in French and in English. In the event of any contradiction, the French language version shall prevail.

Signed in Paris, on 19 April 2011

Gagnez des entrées au Futuroscope

Répondez à 2 questions pour tenter de gagner vos 4 entrées au Futuroscope.
6 gagnants se partageront 24 entrées.

Les réponses :
1 ► 55 km/h
2 ► Chasseurs de Tornades